Solutions – Hire
Hire for real potential
… besides job specific skills!
When hiring, many companies focus solely on job related skills rather than on the combination of job related skills and transferable skills. Transferable skills are general skills that can be applied across various job roles and ensure that employees can quickly adapt to new environments and technologies as they emerge.
Given the huge hiring investment and the current labour market, key ROI questions are:
1) Will they perform within your organisational context? Is your organisational culture an enabler for their talents & skills to rise to the occasion?
2) Looking at retention, do they have the transferable skills and potential to stay abreast with future organisational changes?
When hiring efforts are not only focused on job related competencies, but also look at the broader ecosystem such as team fit, organisational culture fit, future fit (change & learning agility), then you are really optimising your hiring efforts.
To increase the ROI of your hiring efforts and to boost your candidate experience, get your HR recruiters and HR talent managers accredited today so they can transform the way your organisation hires the right talent for your organisation.
The accreditation is based on a scientifically sound talent scan that helps organisations identify standout candidates, by predicting high performance, culture match and career success.
Contact us today for more information on how we can get your staff accredited through either the online or in-company program.